Sunday, September 2, 2007

Thanks Everyone!

Well, that was PodCampUK. Two days of packed, self-administered entertainment, enthusiasm, learning, sharing, debate, microphones, cameras, suggestions and ideas.

Thanks all the people without whom the event wouldn't have happened - to the volunteers, in particular, John Buckley, Phil Campbell, Linda Mills, Simon Toon, and Mark Crook; to the sponsors for their financial and moral support; to all the staff at the NTI who made the entire thing a really pleasant experience; and many, many thanks to all the people who came and took part and made the sessions the exciting, rewarding and dynamic places they turned out to be. Well done all.

Those of you who missed the live streams, and/or who want to collect goodies from our new media archive, check back for links to podcasts and recordings.


NC said...

Thanks guys for putting on such an excellent event!

I thought it was very well orgnaised and it really was helpful.

I'm looking forward the next one.

Best regards,
Niall Coen

Unknown said...

thanks for putting on a good PodCamp - not been to one before but I got a lot out of it...even hosting a session! :-D

Tim from Radio Clash

Christian said...

PodcampUK was a wonderful and inspirational time for me. (Be it at the bar or in an unConference.)

The 'Rule Of Two Feet' allowed me to flit from room to room and get out of it all just what i felt like i needed.

We are all doing it differently but with similar goals in mind.. there are really no rules but some tips, tricks and guidelines help us all to stay focused..

It was great to touch base with the people behind the feeds and I really want to thank the organisers/volenteers and participants for making it such a great event..

All the best Guys, Christian

Parkylondon said...

Thanks folks! Excellent dig. Remember to check out the thread at

pete.cogle said...

Really enjoyed it folks. Thanks for organising it and already looking forward to next year!

Pete Cogle